Saturday, January 3, 2009

needing some prayers

It seems like right when you think you have a hold on things, something else comes to knock you on your ass, right? Well, we have been patiently waiting to hear from the good ol' Marine Corps about Joe's active duty orders. Still no word, and his current orders will end the 31st of this month. So no word from them yet. Last night Carlos (if you did not know, Joe's best friend has been living with us, to help us both with money and he is supposed to move to New York in June and didnt want to get on a lease of his own) tells us when he gets home from work that his boss that doesn't like him, is transferring him to New York, at the end of this month, or basically he risks losing his job if he stays. Is it legal, probably not, does Carlos want to fight this guy, yes, but do you risk losing a good job? So we both feel completely unprepared. Carlos said if he goes he will help with a few months rent to make sure we are okay. But oh my God! What if Joe doesn't get the orders and Carlos is gone. We will be on the street.. ok that wouldnt happen, but we would be in trouble.

Please pray that Joe finds out he very soon about getting on Active Duty orders and gets placed somewhere here, he is in the works with another non-deploying unit that has a perfect position open for him. Pray that he gets this. We would be fine staying here in Laguna Hills if Joe gets these hours, we would have to really budget ourselves, but I am going to be starting Princess House soon and would hope that would help with some bills. If he doesnt get the orders, I have a feeling we will be moving, and probably out of state. :(

Its stressful, there are a lot of things to pray for..

Some more things to pray for:
Our little precious friend Katelyn Ashley Devermann.
My mom.
My Grandma.

Though this is a set back, I believe that 2009 is going to be a good year. Things will be okay.


Des said...

Megs ~ I will be praying for you and all of the things that you mentioned.

The Palacios Family. said...

thanks desi. :)