Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Resolutions!

I personally thing resolutions are great. I think it's important and good for everyone to try to better themselves, no matter what they decide. Some people don't make resolutions because they don't keep them, but I say, at least try! :)

My personal resolutions are:

  • To lose the baby weight (that I was supposed to lose last year! haha)
  • Use my time more wisely-- less internet, more reading and spending time with family and friends.
Family resolutions:

  • Work on paying off debt and saving money.
  • See family we haven't seen in a long time.
  • Travel a little more and get to see more things.
I hope everyone has an amazing last day of 2008. I have a feeling that 2009 is going to bring a lot of good things. Lets all try and make it that way!

*peace and love.


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