Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Embrace it!

So I have been watching Oprah's "Best Life" week. I usually don't watch Oprah, but I just happened to come upon in on Monday and realized she was doing a "better yourself this year" thing for the week and was interested. Today though I go get sick of the whole "The Secret" I feel like its been over done a little. She had some spiritual leaders on today, and a few people stood out to me.
One woman said she was a stay at home mom and sometimes had the feelings of, "When is it my turn?" Her husband worked full time and also went to law school, so she was very much the only person at home with her kids most of the time, with very little time to have a break. I very much feel this way at times. I think all moms feel like this at times, especially stay at home moms that are with their kids 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I understood that she loved being home with them and also hated it. She talked about how she no longer feels like herself, but feels like "mom." I often feel like "mom" not "Megan." I really like what they said about it. They said, why not embrace being "Mom"? Why not make the best of it, go on play dates, get out there and feel alive while being a mom. Do small things for yourself through out the day that makes you feel like "Megan" and not "Mom." Communicate with your partner and make sure you have some off time, which I already knew. But what I liked, was just those words... EMBRACE IT and also "when is it my turn?" you should make it "Its now my turn?"

Another woman, said she lost a lot of faith in God, has been angry and has been grieving about her mom being diagnosed with cancer. Of course I know exactly what she feels like. In 2006, when my mom was diagnosed with cancer, I was in a rage. I lost a ton of faith and mourned for a few months. I was totally dumb founded but most of all I was so angry, not at my mom but with God and with the world. After a few months I realized I was wasting a lot of energy on being mad and mourning. I was mourning someone that was still alive. And that anger was wasted energy. They said stop being mad and spend time with you mom, take advantage of what you have now. Its hard to get over it, and you will always feel angry at times, but remember that that person is still here and you are still here to love them and support them.

Okay I am done rambling for now.

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