Sunday, August 8, 2010

Football and Potty Training!

Well, tonight will be the first football game watched on our TV for the season, though the season has not officially started. I am not sure I am ready for it yet. Joe becomes dedicated to watching his beloved Longhorns every Saturdays and then watches NFL Sunday and Monday, basically it takes over the house. Though I must say, I enjoy the increase of BBQ and grilling that happens during this time, but 7 months of football every weekend is not always my favorite way to spend family time. ;-) Oh well, I just try to embrace it and have fun with it, trying out new "football" recipes and inviting friends over to hang out and keep me company while Joe screams at the TV.

We are officially in potty training mode with Alex, I didnt think it was going to happen. I have been trying to get him on that potty for 6 months, but this last Monday he finally decided my bribe for a lollipop (which he doesnt get very often was good enough to get on and try it). He sat there on the little potty, happily eating the lollipop for 30 minutes and actually peed and was very surprised! I, of course, made a huge fuss over it and since then he has been pretty excited and wanting to pee in the potty. Going #2 on the potty was another story, the first 2 times was not easy but he gets a new hotwheels car when he goes #2 on the potty so he definitely has enough incentive. Today though he went on that potty without telling us he needed any help and went #2 then told us! I was very proud. Now we are just trying to figure out how to get him to tell us and stop what he is doing when he is at other people's houses, yesterday we had dinner at a friends and he wouldnt tell us and wasnt cooperating if we took him to to the potty. At home though, he is great. I figure this is only day 6 of this and he will get better with a little more time.

Next week I will 16 weeks and my aunt is an ultrasound tech so she is going to be squeezing me in and peeking at the baby to see the sex a little early. My big ultrasound is not scheduled until September 9th and she and I both are inpatient so we are going to look early. ;-)
Wanted to share with you the before and after pics of the baby bump, I am growing so fast and I cant believe how fast I started showing with this one. I still havent gained one lb. but the belly just keeps getting bigger. Crazy how that works.


1 comment:

Me said...

Hey, good job, Mama, on the potty training. That is success. And your bump is so cute...