I have a huge love for reading, it is a good way to relax and be in another "world" for a little while. Some current books I have read and
I have been on a huge soup kick the last few months, thankfully Joe loves soup too, because we have been eating it almost 3 times or more a week. :) I have been trying new recipes and its been a fun and yummy experience.
Our favorites have been a tomato basil bisque, potato cheddar bacon soup, and french onion. All of which I have been making in the crockpot, when I can find recipes that I like for the crockpot I am happy girl. :)
Viewing pleasure:
Joe and I have recently discovered Dexter and have been renting the previous seasons. It is fabulous! It's on Showtime, a channel we dont have, so once we are done with the dvd's we are going to have somewhat of a void in our lives. :)
Fresh & Easy:
We recently started going to this grocery store and now I cant remember what life was like before it. Its cheap, local produce, better quality... it's just better! Sadly they are only in three states, Cali, Nevada, and Arizona. I hope the branch out, because the rest of the country is seriously deprived of a good thing.
I recently started scrapbooking again. It was one of resolutions to get caught up on Alex's book and the family one. I have been having a lot of fun doing it, looking back, seeing how much Alex has grown, looking at the milestones that we have crossed as a family. I know now that these books will bring a lot of joy and memories for years to come. And I have to add that I have definitely fulfilled that resolution.. I have done more scrapbooking in the last 2 weeks than I did all year in 2009!
I tried years before and couldn't get the hang of it, but started again last month and love it! I made a few scarves for people and have a lot more ideas one things I want to try. :)
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