A lot has happened in the last few months! We are in the holiday season and that is always so much fun. This year Alex has been so much fun! He is finally at an age where he can really enjoy the holiday activities and help. When we put up the Christmas tree he helped put up the ornaments and he was so excited! He calls it the "kiss-miss" tree. He currently is in love with the Elmo "Happy Holiday" DVD, and has been singing "Jingle Bells" and the "Dradle Song" over and over. :)
For Thanksgiving we went to my Dad's house in the desert, my Uncle John and Aunt Kristen came out from Arizona as well. It was a very nice few days, it is easy to relax there, so quiet and peaceful. When my Uncle and my Dad get together, there is a lot of good food and jokes involved. Always a good time.
Alex and I have been doing lots of crafts. He loves to color, so we have been making christmas trees and snowmen. It is great way to keep him occupied when its cold outside. Though, I shouldn't complain, we are still able to go to the park on most days over here in SoCal. :)
Here are some pictures from the last few months. I will update with some pictures soon, maybe from one of our next crafts. My camera is currently out of commission, so I have been using my phone recently... not the best quality pictures, but they will have to do.
I have taught myself how to knit recently! I love it! I tried learning before, but got frustrated and stopped, but this time it seemed a lot easier. Maybe if I get better at knitting, I will try to learn to sew again.. that is another thing I tried and stopped because it was too hard at the time. ;-) I have always admired people that can create something beautiful and practical out of simple fabric or yarn. I will post my first project. Though, it is definitely a first project, there are mistakes, but I am just trying to get the hang of it. I probably will keep it myself, because someone else would laugh! ha.
ok. here are some pictures!
kissmiss tree :)
watching the football game, the three amigos: Alex, Joe, and Libby. :)
Buzz Lightyear! Halloween
Alexander and Alexander (yes they have the same name..) two Best friends, Buzz and Woody on Halloween!
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