So I got behind on the blog, as always. Anyway I will catch up. :)
Thanksgiving tradition for us is traveling to my Dad's house in the desert and celebrating with him. The last few years my Uncle John and Aunt Kristen have been coming as well. We usually have a few friends come over during the weekend and visit with them as well. Its always pretty relaxing and nice get-a-way before the crazy holiday season starts.
This year was a little less comfortable for me because I am in my last trimester and its hard enough getting comfortable in my own bed, but getting comfortable in anyone else's is hard. But we had a good time. It was very cold this year! Most of the time we are out side a lot, at the camp fire on the porch every night and this year once the sun went down we were freezing! So we were inside more this year.
Anyway, the food was amazing as usual, with a foodie like Uncle John, and a turkey professional like my Dad its always guaranteed that the food will be very yummy. :)
Here are a few pictures from the day, unfortunately I had left my memory card for my camera so I didnt have many pictures left on the camera to use. But here are a few. :)

Alex and I were in charge of the center piece. Alex and I made some pinecone turkeys as a craft there for something fun to do. It turned out cute. :)