I have been busy with Alex and school, and with the mom's and tot's group I am involved in. School is going well, just have to manage my time in order to stay ahead of the game instead of behind, it can be challenging, but Joe is great at helping out with Alex so I can get things done.
Alex is growing, growing, growing of course, he is starting to say a lot more words. He is so much fun, but it definitely starting with his stubborn, tantrum stage. He says mama and mom, dada, puppy, ear, ball, he tries to say balloon, "ah man" is one of his favorite phrases, and he said "good girl" and "stay" to our dog Libby. hehe. I think I missed a few but those are his most common ones. :) Its so cool see him learn things and he LOVES reading books, that is what he wants to do 90% of the time. He has a Thomas the Train book that says "Go Go Go!" and he runs around saying that, he loves that book, I am pretty sure Joe and I can recite that book without reading it, we read it like 5-10 times a day! ha. I got him a Mr. Potato Head, the other day, and he loves it! We also got him some number and letter puzzles and he likes playing with those, we try to go over those, even though he really isnt interested, but repetition will help!
**Prayers for my Mom, she has a scan coming up this Monday and we would really like to see some good results.
**Prayers for Kate, she was able to go home for a week or so with her parents, which is awesome! Now she is going back in to start her 4th round of chemo, pray that it goes smoothly and fast. Prayers for Krystal and Todd, they are about to welcome their 2nd baby into the world. Hope that goes smoothly! :)
**Prayers for friends that are having a hard time with a job situation, might have another job opportunity, hopefull everything happens for the best.
**Prayers for our friends family going through a really rough time and prayers that he recovers successfully and fast. Prayers that she can forgive and find strength.
**Prayers for all our friends that are over seas right now. May they be safe and come home to their families.
**Prayers for our friend and her kids, just moved and is having a rough time with family.
**Of course prayers for everyone -- stay healthy, stay safe, stay strong.
Here are some pictures! :)
Alex playing "If your happy and you know it!"
being shy-- almost 18 months
at the super bowl party with Aiden, his favorite big kid friend :)
promise to update soon!